Homeowners Insurance Coverage Guide

Homeowners Insurance Coverage Guide

Here is a summary of some of the most common homeowners insurance coverages along with our minimum coverage recommendations. Below the summary you’ll find definitions and explanations of each coverage so you can better understand when they might apply. We…

Car accident paid out-of-pocket

Car Accident Paid Out-of-Pocket

What do you do if you’re in a not-at-fault car accident and the other driver offers to pay your damages out-of-pocket rather than filing a claim with their insurance company? Let’s take a look at when it’s okay and when…

Should You Buy Gap Insurance?

Should You Buy Gap Insurance

What is gap insurance? Gap insurance, sometimes referred to as Loan/Lease coverage, is an optional coverage you can add to your auto insurance policy or purchase separately through a car dealership. The purpose is to cover the gap between what…

How to Pressure Wash Your Home

How to Pressure Wash Your Home

Learning how to pressure wash your home will keep your exterior looking great. If you choose to DYI this project we’ve got some helpful info to get you started. Power Washer vs Pressure Washer The main difference here is that…

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